At Professional Practice Sales of the Great West, Our Objective is…

Our Objective

Our Objective

…is to assemble and analyze all relevant data on our client’s practice so that an astute evaluation can occur.

Then, to confidentially and effectively market our client’s practice…

…in such a manner whereby the maximum interest from qualified Buyers is realized shortly after engaging our services.

Said interest will be responded to immediately in an effort to produce purchase offers in short order.

In this manner our client shall be afforded the opportunity to make the best informed decision for themselves, their family and their practice.

And once this decision is made, our expertise shall steer the sale to a quick conclusion!

Our client shall be fully prepared to enter the marketplace, along with being educated so that they understand their role in the process…

…with our skills utilized to their maximum so that this unique journey is as enjoyable and controlled as possible.

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Client Comments

Diligence, Experience and Competence

“I can’t explain how grateful I am to PPS for their diligence, experience and competence from beginning to the end. My only regret is all the time and money I lost with the other guys.”

—Willard Zurcher, D.D.S., Fairfield

You Earned My Trust and Business

“Ray, thank you for all your work, although you represented the seller. Thank you for being fair to me, the buyer, and your comments along the way during the purchasing process. You definitely earned my trust and business. For my next purchase, I would definitely work with you again.”

—Hyo Kang, DDS, Modesto